
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Thing #3 A Nightmare

I cant' believed that after 3 days I am finally writing about thing # 3.
It was hard ! there is a lot of new vocabulary for people that have never done this. After setting up my blog ( 2- 3 attempts) I took the adventure of the avatar (long process also, lots of choices) I was ready to export it :) but, wait! where is my blog? how can i find it?Log in ? what is that? where? I had a bad headache and very frustrated. I was beginning to doubt that 23 things was not a thing for me.
I went to bed, went to work, tried again, went to bed, and finally Saturday with a rested mind I did it!

Yeah me!

1 comment:

Terry said...

I found that when I don't understand why something isn't working, walking away and returning later almost always does the trick! Glad tou didn't give up!