
Friday, June 24, 2011

Tool 11 Big smile

1. My favorite tools
I loved Stupeflix Studio, Google app see post for tool 4 and Voice thread.

2. Changes
From once a week visit to the lab to everyday use, wow! One think we have to remember is that Rome was not build in one day and before to start handing down devices is very important to do Digital Citizenship lessons.
I wished I had all my Ipods and Netbooks now so I could download what I am planning to use first

3. Surprise!
This is my third time working with the web 2.0 and this is the first time that I found much more (really ) that I can be using with kinder kids. I like that 

1 comment:

arkreynolds said...

Congratulations on completing the 11 Tools. I'm glad you feel like you have found so much more in 2.0 tools that you can use with kindergarten students. Enjoy exploring and learning. Keep me in mind for projects with kindergarten this year. I could use some fun with the students.